Papers and videos
This page features papers produced and scientific community services offered by the CPSI consortium.
CPSI: Reached and beyond
CPSI analytical papers and journal articles
Andrea Jerković/Alexander Siedschlag: Summary of CPSI Country Case Studies. Austria – Bulgaria – France – Germany – Italy – Netherlands – Sweden – United Kingdom. Sigmund Freud Private University - CEUSS | Center for European Security Studies, Analytical Standpoint, no. 13 (April 2010).
Anke van Gorp/Sander van der Molen: Parallel, Embedded or Just Part of the Team: Ethicists Cooperating Within a European Security Research Project, in Science and Engineering Ethics (2009).
Andrea Jerković/Alexander Siedschlag: Primary Interpretation of Survey Findings to Identify National Citizen Security Cultures. WWEDU Center for European Security Studies, Analytical Standpoint, no. 12 (November 2008).
Alexander Siedschlag: European Countries National Security Research Policy Compared in the Light of FP 7. WWEDU Center for European Security Studies, Analytical Standpoint, no. 10 (July 2008).
Tom Ritchey: The Parameters of Perceived Security. Methodologist Tom Ritchey introduces Morphological Analysis as it was used within CPSI and illustrates this method with some empirical CPSI results.
Andrea Jerković: CPSI Comparative Country Case Studies on Security Cultures. Researcher Andrea Jerković lectures on the results of CPSI security culture analysis, based on and analytical approach developed within the project and covering the countries that were represented in the CPSI end-user advisory group: Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
CPSI conference presentations
Presentations from the CPSI Final Symposium
Following presentations were held by CPSI partners on the final symposium, which blended presentations from within the consortium with expertise from outside so to explore the external validity of the results and discuss future areas of application of the CPSI model. All presentations from the final symposium that have been cleared for public release are available in the paper room of ESCI 2010, which hosted the CPSI final symposium.
Alexander Siedschlag: Welcome Remarks and Programme Overview (video).
Heather Griffioen-Young: The CPSI Project and Its Impact (PowerPoint).
Tony van Vliet: The Collaborative Research Project “Changing Perceptions of Security and Interventions” (CPSI): Approach and Main Results (PowerPoint).
Andrea Jerković: CPSI Comparative Country Case Studies (PowerPoint). Also read how SECURITY EUROPE reports about the CPSI Country Case Studies on citizen security cultures (Article).
Marcel de Wit: CPSI Data Warehouse - The Key to Security Information (PowerPoint).
Heather Griffioen-Young: Changing Perceptions of Security and Interventions – Beyond the CPSI Project and Further Actions (video).
CPSI PowerPoint presentation from the 3rd European Security Conference Inititative (ESCI) 2008.
Heather Griffioen-Young: Overview of CPSI objectives, scope and methodology (PowerPoint).
CPSI conference calendar
CPSI Conference Calendar no. 4 / January 2009.
CPSI Conference Calendar no. 5 / February 2009.
CPSI Conference Calendar no. 6 / June 2009.
CPSI Conference Calendar no. 7 / October 2009.
CPSI Conference Calendar no. 8 / February 2010.
Abstracts of CPSI deliverables
Summary of Work Package 2.2: Morphological Analysis of Actual and Perceived Security.
Summary of Work Package 3: Data
of Work Package 4.4: Culture Analysis.
All CPSI studies and reports are available on the CPSI DVD, which can be ordered for free via e-mail: